Questions to Ask a Potential New York Divorce Attorney

  • Posted on: Nov 17 2017
  • By:

Divorce usually isn’t the first route or go-to option for unhappy couples, but oftentimes it is unavoidable if one spouse or both individuals see no other solution to their issues.


Hiring a divorce attorney is one of the first steps that divorcing couples are required to take to pursue the legalities of their situation. It’s important for these individuals to pay careful attention to the values and experience of attorneys they meet with, as well as the manner in which they are treated by their prospective legal representation.


The divorce attorneys at FK Law Group have years of experience on both sides of the divorce law process. The founding member of the FK Law Group Queens, NY practice, Frances Kweller, was previously married (before meeting her current spouse), and she learned the hard way that all lawyers are not created equal. After wasting thousands of dollars and three years in legal limbo, Kweller then decided she wouldn’t let other individuals go through what she went through.


Her attorney carelessly handled the case, making multiple filing errors on what should have been a simple uncontested annulment document. Don’t let this happen to you! Below, we cover a few essential questions people should ask their potential divorce attorney. Please use these questions as a guideline to prevent undue stress in your divorce process.


Are you dedicated to divorce law?


New York divorce law involves various complexities than some other areas, so it’s imperative that the attorney you retain be well-versed in all areas of divorce and family law in the state of New York. A comprehensive understanding of the ins and outs of the process will help your case proceed with as few hiccups as possible. This is already a trying time, don’t let an unexperienced attorney handle such a serious matter.


Can you tell me how you charge clients?


Divorce isn’t cheap, which is why many couples forgo the option for years before finally taking the step. At FK Law Group we work with our clients to provide the best possible legal representation for a fair price aligned with our wealth of experience in this area of the law. When looking for an attorney, be sure to discuss the payment process so you can rest assured that your case will be handled in a timely and appropriate manner without taking a financial toll.


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