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FK Law Group, PC

Determined Divorce Attorneys and Paralegals, Serving Clients throughout Queens, New York. Since 2010 FK Law Group, LLP, is dedicated to meeting our clients’ needs. We specialize in helping our client’s achieve their main objectives.
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No matter how simple or complex your case is, the Divorce Attorneys at FK Law Group, PC will take note of what you may need to help achieve your goals

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What is an uncontested divorce? When both husband and wife want a divorce and do not have disagreements about finances or child custody/visitations OR your spouse either agrees to the divorce


What is marriage annulment? A legal procedure for declaring a marriage null and void. A marriage that legally should not have happened. What are some situations in which a void marriage took


What is a legal separation? It is an arrangement where husband and wife are still legally married but agree to live separately, following a court order. When should I consider a separation.


What is an contested divorce? When husband and wife disagree about financial issues and/or what happens with their children (if any) after the divorce has been finalized. What does marital property include?


What is the Shtar Tena’im (Document of Conditions)? It’s a document where the agreements that the two parties discussed at the time of engagement become formalized. What is a Get?


What is a prenuptial agreement? A prenuptial agreement is a contract made by a couple before they marry concerning the ownership of their respective assets in the event of divorce or death.

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Surrogacy and Family Law: Navigating the Legal Complexities

Surrogacy is an increasingly popular option for individuals and couples looking to expand their families. However, the legal complexities surrounding surrogacy can be daunting. At FK Law Group, we understand the myriad challenges and are here to guide you through the legal maze to ensure your surrogacy journey is smooth and secure. Understanding Surrogacy Agreements ...Read More »

Estate Planning Essentials: How Family Law Intersects with Inheritance

Estate planning is a vital process that ensures your assets are distributed according to your wishes after you pass away. However, the interplay between estate planning and family law is often complex and can significantly impact how your inheritance is handled. Understanding how these two areas intersect can help you create a comprehensive estate plan ...Read More »

The Key Factors Considered In Child Custody Determination

Navigating child custody can be one of the most emotionally charged aspects of a divorce or separation. Understanding the key factors that courts consider in making custody decisions can provide some clarity and help parents focus on what’s truly important: the well-being of their child. Best Interests of the Child The paramount consideration in any ...Read More »

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Questions and Answers

Do I need to be a resident of New York state in order to get a divorce in the state?

Yes. Need to show that you and spouse have lived in NYS, continuously (no interruption), for a certain period of time.

What do I need to do to get a divorce using a separation agreement?

Difficult to do without a lawyer. Husband and wife must agree on all important issues.

Do I have to be detailed when describing inhumane treatment?

Yes. State how each of your husband’s actions affected you mentally, physically, or emotionally. State where each act took place. Example: If verbal abuse, use exact words your spouse used.

If I was covered by my spouse’s health insurance what happens to that health insurance after the divorce?

It will most likely terminate and you will be responsible for obtaining your own health insurance.

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