
Divorce Considerations for Stay-at-Home Mothers

Divorce can bring many different changes to your family life. While many of those changes are for the better, it’s important to be aware of how divorce may influence your day-to-day life. This is especially true for stay at home moms.   If you’re a stay at home mom facing the possibility of divorce, it’s […]

  • Posted on: May 14 2017
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Divorce Misconceptions for Separated Couples in Queens

Going through a divorce can be confusing, scary, and overwhelming. It’s important to be informed about the divorce process, what is expected of you, and what your rights are. Unfortunately, there is a lot of wrong information floating around. If you fall for a myth or believe a misconception, it could negatively affect your New […]

  • Posted on: Apr 20 2017
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What to Expect When Going Through a Divorce

Going through a divorce is never easy. Regardless of what assets you share, how many children you have, or how much time you spent together, a divorce symbolizes the end of an era and an uncertain future. It’s natural to be unsure of how to feel when going through the divorce process. While you may […]

  • Posted on: Mar 12 2017
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Reasonable and Fixed Parental Visitation Rights

Determining custody can be one of the most challenging parts of getting a divorce, especially in a high-volume area like Queens. When you’re ending a marriage, you also need to determine who will be in control of the children and what kind of visitation rights each parent will get. While many couples will choose to […]

  • Posted on: Feb 11 2017
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What Happens After Filing for Divorce?

Going through a divorce is a very emotional time. Regardless of the reasons behind the split, ending a marriage is never easy. Between determining custody of the children, splitting the family household, and finding a way to return to single-life, there is a lot going on. But how does the divorce process actually work? What […]

  • Posted on: Jan 13 2017
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