
Mental Health And Divorce In New York

What most people don’t realize is that mental illness can affect your divorce case in New York. How? Let’s find out. Mental Illness As Grounds For Divorce There are different types of mental illnesses like depression, addiction, and bipolar disorder. But can a spouse file for divorce in New York on the grounds of such […]

  • Posted on: Nov 15 2021
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Filing For Divorce? Here Are 5 Things You Need To Know

Divorce filing can be quite an arduous endeavor. Not only is it emotional for both the involved parties, but it can also be challenging. However, if you have firmly decided on it, then you should stand your ground amid all the chaos and make every decision to settle the matter in your favor. If you […]

  • Posted on: Oct 27 2021
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Prenuptial Mistakes You Should Avoid

The word Prenup alone can bring feelings of ill-will between couples. But that is inevitable. However, you can never be too careful when it comes to prenuptial. Sometimes, people make some mistakes while signing their Prenup. You need to know whether both you and your partner are on the same page about certain things. Prenuptial […]

  • Posted on: Sep 15 2021
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Should You Have a Prenup for a Second Marriage?

If you’re preparing to get married for a second time, no matter how your first marriage ended, you may want to seriously consider a prenuptial agreement. Even if you didn’t have a prenup with your first marriage, there are a few reasons why having one for your second may make a lot of sense. Here […]

  • Posted on: Aug 30 2021
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We Does a Legal Guardian Do?

A legal guardian is a person who is legally responsible for making decisions on behalf of someone else, often a child or an elderly individual who the court has determined is no longer able to make decisions on their own. Becoming a legal guardian is a major undertaking because it means becoming fully and legally […]

  • Posted on: Jul 27 2021
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