
Marriage Annulment Part II

In our last post, we started covering some of the basics about annulments in the state of New York. While an annulment is one way to end a marriage, it is a much different process than a traditional divorce. However, in some circumstances, an annulment is a better decision to effectively and permanently dissolve a marriage.   […]

  • Posted on: Mar 14 2018
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Marriage Annulment Part I

Choosing to end a marriage is never easy. However, knowing whether a traditional divorce or an annulment is right for you can make the process even more complicated. Before you make a choice, you need to know which is most appropriate for your situation.   Let’s take a look at the basics of an annulment […]

  • Posted on: Feb 18 2018
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What Happens if an Ex Spouse Doesn’t Pay Child Support?

Choosing to get a divorce is never easy. However, when children and child support is involved, the process can become even more difficult. In the State of New York, both parents must share in taking care of the children financially. Unfortunately, sometimes a spouse may not follow this obligation. If your ex-spouse is not paying […]

  • Posted on: Jan 18 2018
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At FK Law Group, we know all too well what can go wrong during the divorce process and we have vast knowledge and experience in New York divorce law and all of its complexities. We know that divorce is a difficult time for most of our clients, a time wrought with emotions and tough decisions […]

  • Posted on: Dec 14 2017
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Questions to Ask a Potential New York Divorce Attorney

Divorce usually isn’t the first route or go-to option for unhappy couples, but oftentimes it is unavoidable if one spouse or both individuals see no other solution to their issues.   Hiring a divorce attorney is one of the first steps that divorcing couples are required to take to pursue the legalities of their situation. […]

  • Posted on: Nov 17 2017
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